Aemetis, Inc. Board of Directors
Aemetis, Inc. operates as a renewable natural gas and renewable fuels company. It operates through three segments: California Ethanol, California Dairy Renewable Natural Gas, and India Biodiesel. The company focuses on the operation, acquisition, development, and commercialization of technologies to produce low and negative carbon intensity renewable fuels that replace fossil-based products. In addition, it produces and sells ethanol; and wet distillers grains, distillers corn oil, and condensed distillers solubles to dairies and feedlots as animal feed. Further, the company markets and supplies USP alcohol and hand sanitizer; and produces renewable natural gas, as well as distilled biodiesel from various vegetable oil and animal waste feedstocks. Additionally, it researches and develops conversion technologies using waste feedstocks to produce biofuels and biochemicals. Furthermore, it sells biodiesel primarily to government oil marketing companies. Aemetis, Inc. is headquartered in Cupertino, California.